Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Final Resting Place

I do realise that the scull might be a little grim, but I do like the photograph.  Please feel free to comment..

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Weekend Visit to Kruger National Park

Finally got a chance to have my batteries recharged behind the lens of my camera 

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Andenium multiflorum - Impala lily

Adenium multiflorum is the best known of the South African adeniums. It flowers in winter when most of the surrounding vegetation is rather dull in comparison to the brilliant white, pink, crimson, red and bicoloured flowers that cover these plants when in full bloom. The genus Adenium consists of five succulent species from tropical Africa, Arabia and Socotra. Their striking forms and beautiful flowers borne in masses over a long period make them excellent garden and container plants.
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Saturday, 6 July 2013

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Sally - Our Little field spaniel

Is it the Guinea Fowl I hear?
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Looking for inspiration

I always feel guilty when time goes by without some creative photograph.  I don't want to let any of my followers or myself down, so I am forever looking for that creative angle.  Not sure if this is creative enough, but at least the Greater Flamingo's can assist me in looking for that something special


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Wednesday, 19 June 2013

A dog's life

Being a dog in our household, total bliss.... Little Phoebe at her most comfortable, in bed!!
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Tuesday, 18 June 2013

10 000 HITS

My blog has passed a total of 10 000 HITS!! Thank you to each and every one who was taken the time to look at what I produce.... or at least try.  It is not always easy being creative or finding something just a little interesting to share.   So here is to the next 10 000 HITS!!!


I am not sure if I should say much about this photo, apart from it being one of my favourites.  It does carry some "eeriness" or even some "sacredness" - almost like being in the garden in person
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